In time, much of the Atlantic World would become a gargantuan sugar-plantation complex in which Africans labored to produce the highly profitable commodity for European consumers. Even though the empires of Mexico and Peru had already had thriving trade routes, superior technology and biological factors of new diseases to which the Amerindians had no resistance gave Europeans the advantage. explored ante empire in Mexico. . Originally built by the Portuguese in the fifteenth century, it appears in this image as it was in the 1660s, after being seized by Dutch slave traders in 1637. Spain had dominated much of the Americas; Ortiz goes as far to brand the period as "The Golden Age of Spain [1] ". What impact did the Portuguese have on exploration? Portugal protested that the line gave excessively to Spain. Ten years later, Francisco Pizarro traveled to Peru where he subsequently conquered the Incan Empire situated in the Andes Mountains. By this and other means, native people helped shape the conquest of the Americas. Dutch Golden Age History & Timeline | What is the Dutch Golden Age? 1531 The Economic Causes of European Maritime Exploration Various economic factors led some European monarchs, royal families, and states to support early maritime explorations financially. Copies of the letter were soon circulating all over Europe, spreading news of the wondrous new land that Columbus had discovered. Columbus would make three more voyages over the next decade, establishing Spains first settlement in the New World on the island of Hispaniola. Create your account. Explore the collection at The Cervantes Project for images, complete texts, and other resources relating to Cervantess works. The system also allowed them to protect their imports as they traveled back to Portugal. Posted on . His patronage allowed some of the most important Portuguese expeditions to take place. The money flowed freely, but they still hoped to find a way to the East. It was able to amplify the power of Undead army by several magnitudes. Map showing the routes to the Far East. The Spanish also brought smallpox into the valley of Mexico. Thousands of Spaniards flocked to the Americas seeking wealth and status. Such endeavors were accomplished by the conquistadors Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro, who subdued the Aztec and Incan Empires in 1521 and 1533. Spain and Portugal divided the New World by drawing a north-to-south line of demarcation in the Atlantic Ocean, about 100 leagues (555 . An error occurred trying to load this video. These countries, therefore, represent two distinct, but key goals of New World exploration that became the basic pattern for the history of the Atlantic World. Portugal got richer because of the Indian trade. There was plenty of room to spread out, interesting cultures and landscapes to explore, natives to Christianize, and even better, economic opportunities galore, including new sources of gold and silver. Europeans gained new materials like gold, silver, and jewels. They forced the native people to change their religion and follow Christainity. The bullwhip effect is a term used in supply chain management to describe how minor changes in consumer demand at the retail level can cause significant demand fluctuations upstream toward raw material suppliers. The Portuguese led the way as explorers sponsored by Prince Henry the Navigator sailed down the coast of Africa, establishing a profitable trade in gold and slaves. Starting in 1485, he approached Genoese, Venetian, Portuguese, English, and Spanish monarchs, asking for ships and funding to explore this westward route. The explorers also gained new foods like corn and pineapple. Everywhere they traveled, they brought European diseases, which claimed thousands of native lives as well as the lives of the explorers. Like Corts, Pizarro had to combat not only the natives of the new worlds he was conquering, but also competitors from his own country; a Spanish rival assassinated him in 1541. In this instance, Cortes actually operated without approval from the Spanish crown or the governor of the Cuban colony because he desired a chance to make his own name and wealth without the credit going to his superiors. He also started a school A fortified trading post, it had mounted cannons facing out to sea, not inland toward continental Africa; the Portuguese had greater fear of a naval attack from other Europeans than of a land attack from Africans. However, when Columbus in fact discovered America, the subsequent discoveries of indigenous peoples led the Catholic country to move beyond pure trade goals to establish lasting colonies that would add to Spain's greatness and spread Catholicism to the New World. 247 lessons Cartographers developed new ways of mapping. What does it reveal about the state of geographical knowledge, as well as European perceptions of the New World, at the beginning of the sixteenth century? Portrait of Ferdinand Magellan. When Vasco de Gama found a new route to India, the Portuguese were able to trade spices and jewels. positivism constructivism or interpretivism and pragmatism what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration? Often I have sent two or three men ashore to some town to converse with them, and the natives came out in great numbers, and as soon as they saw our men arrive, fled without a moments delay although I protected them from all injury. What was the success of Spain and Portugal? This material (including graphics) can freely be used for educational purposes such as classroom presentations in universities and colleges. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. Probanzas de mritos were reports and letters written by Spaniards in the New World to the Spanish crown, designed to win royal patronage. Columbuss discovery opened a floodgate of Spanish exploration. The Spanish monarchs knew that Portuguese mariners had reached the southern tip of Africa and sailed the Indian Ocean. In the eighteenth century, a French historian compared Spanish and Portuguese expansion in the New World in the following terms: The conquests of the Portuguese in the New World are not as pleasing on a broad view as the conquests of Mexico and Peru. Francisco Pizarro subdued the Incas of Peru in 1533. Portuguese explorers were able to discover and conquer new worlds. The seaports there are incredibly fine, as also the magnificent rivers, most of which bear gold. They had many tools that helped them navigate through the Atlantic Ocean. | 22 The extensive overseas exploration, with the Portuguese and Spanish at the forefront, later joined by the Dutch, English, and French, emerged as a powerful factor in European culture, most notably the European colonization of the Americas. The Portuguese established a European trading post empire to capitalize on their superior navigation skills and tap into existing African trade routes. There were new places to explore, room to spread out, and cultures and economies to discover and even control. It didn't take long for other Spaniards to realize that Columbus had stumbled upon something completely new, and they decided to stay. Portugal got richer because of the Indian trade. There were different reasons for the Spanish and Portuguese exploration, with the Portuguese establishing a trading post empire to protect their goods, and Spain focusing on empire-building. The Portuguese also traded these slaves, introducing much-needed human capital to other European nations. With the Reconquista complete and Spain a unified country, Ferdinand and Isabella could turn their attention to overseas exploration. In either case, she demonstrates one way in which native peoples responded to the arrival of the Spanish. Spains acquisitiveness seemingly knew no bounds as groups of its explorers searched for the next trove of instant riches. The Spaniards were not far behind the Portuguese in their exploration and empire building. Portuguese spice trading also made goods available to the rest of Europe on a larger scale and enriched Portugal herself. The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugals explorers changed Europeans understanding of the world in several ways. However, these stories are based on the self-aggrandizing efforts of conquistadors to secure royal favor through the writing of probanzas de mritos (proofs of merit). In 1492, Granada, the last Muslim stronghold on the Iberian Peninsula, had fallen to the forces of the Spanish monarchs. Over the next two centuries, a string of explorers and conquistadors, or military conquerors, claimed territory after territory for the ever-widening Spanish empire. In the following years, as European exploration spread, slavery spread as well. Portugal discovered new lands, new sea routes and made better maps of the world. This painting illustrates the diffusion of which of the following during the Age of Exploration? Large numbers of Spanish people came to live and work in their new lands of Central and South America. Where did Christopher Columbus first land? Payroll Services Expert, Novartis, Prague, Czech Republic 20+ Billion Cash Disbursements, 600k + payments through more than 400 Bank Accounts and countless lives impacted positively with our contributions to fulfill our noble purpose of reimagining medicineThe Payroll Services Expert supports the development of P&O processes, principles, and guidelines for a small client group, as well as . Spaniards captained the other three ships (San Antonio, Concepcin, and Victoria), and constant Spanish scheming against the Portuguese would have grave consequences for the voyage. He and his followers explored what is now Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, and Texas. For more than a century, Baker Hughes . This conflict provided the background for the heralded Age of Discovery, whereupon European nations began exploring new horizons to find means of expanding their influence and discovering new and hopefully shorter trade routes. This two-volume book (1605 and 1618) told a colorful tale of an hidalgo (gentleman) who reads so many tales of chivalry and knighthood that he becomes unable to tell reality from fiction. Vasco Nez de Balboa traveled across Panama in 1513 and saw the Pacific Ocean for the first time. Spain and Portugal were considered to be the major exponents of The Age of Discovery, stretching from the early 15 th century to mid-17 th century. They understood that the Portuguese would soon reach Asia and, in this competitive race to reach the Far East, the Spanish rulers decided to act. The Impact of Portuguese Exploration Portugal's explorers changed Europeans' understanding of the world in several ways. Seeking to ensure that Columbuss finds would remain Spanish, Spains monarchs turned to the Spanish-born Pope Alexander VI, who issued two papal decrees in 1493 that gave legitimacy to Spains Atlantic claims at the expense of Portugal. what was the effect of spanish and portuguese exploration?san juan airport restaurants hours Credit Solution Experts Incorporated offers quality business credit building services, which includes an easy step-by-step system designed for helping clients build their business credit effortlessly. In 1519, he entered Tenochtitln, the capital of the Aztec (Mexica) Empire. Any other uses, such as conference presentations, commercial training progams, news web sites or consulting reports, are FORBIDDEN. Indeed, the Renaissance world was looking outward. (04.05) Painting of a scene showing European explorers and native peoples in the New World. Many other Europeans followed in Columbuss footsteps, drawn by dreams of winning wealth by sailing west. The Spanish came to the New World first to have a Far East trading link. To those ends, Ferdinand and Isabella sponsored extensive Atlantic exploration. Great Explorers of Spain and Portugal: Aims & Discoveries, Radical Reformation Origins & Beliefs | Anabaptists & Antitrinitarians. Portuguese sailors continued to make important discoveries in this new arena as well. Plus, get practice tests, quizzes, and personalized coaching to help you Hoping to salvage Portugals Atlantic holdings, King Joo II began negotiations with Spain. What are the most important factors behind the success of Portuguese and Spanish overseas exploration and colonization? While the Portuguese remained focused on the establishment of trading networks, only turning to full colonization later, Spanish discoveries of established empires in North and South America led them to explore and subsequently expand their own empire with the intention of growing wealthier and spreading Catholicism. They wanted to spread catholic culture in whole world. The travels of Portuguese traders to western Africa introduced them to the African slave trade, already brisk among African states. The age of exploration came along way from 15th to the 17yh century bringing along voyages, conquests, new lands, disease, religion, and the exchange of goods. Upon Columbuss return to Spain, the Spanish crown bestowed on him the title of Admiral of the Ocean Sea and named him governor and viceroy of the lands he had discovered. The world was opening up, and people were realizing how big it really was. In anticipation of winning his own honor and riches, Corts later explored the Yucatn Peninsula. On October 12, 1492, however, he made landfall on an island in the Bahamas. Spain, in particular, produced a number of famous conquistadors who established the presence of the Spanish empire in Mexico, California, and Peru. Westward Expansion, 1840-1900, Industrialization and the Rise of Big Business, 1870-1900, The Growing Pains of Urbanization, 1870-1900, Leading the Way: The Progressive Movement, 1890-1920, Age of Empire: American Foreign Policy, 1890-1914, The Jazz Age: Redefining the Nation, 1919-1929, Brother, Can You Spare a Dime? This innovation helped the Age of Exploration flourish because it showed explorers what direction they were headed. After Christopher Columbus bumped into the New World in 1492, a string of explorers and conquistadors set about claiming territory for Spain. Many ideas and methods of expansion were flowed along over time. This slave trade also came into greater usage when the Portuguese followed the Spanish in setting their sights across the Atlantic, colonizing Brazil in the 1530s. This venture drew them further out, especially with Prince Henry the Navigator's patronage of exploration which opened the possibilities of finding a route to the Far East by sea. Only by playing upon the disunity among the diverse groups in the Aztec Empire were the Spanish able to capture the grand city of Tenochtitln. With his support, Portuguese mariners successfully navigated an eastward route to Africa, establishing a foothold there that became a foundation of their nations trade empire in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Europeans longed for the luxuries of the Far East, including silks, pepper, and spices, but the Far East trade was dominated by Muslims and Venetians who hauled the goods over land, making them extremely expensive. In 1493, Columbus sent two copies of a probanza de mrito to the Spanish king and queen and their minister of finance, Luis de Santngel. These lands comprised most of the Americas. In August 1521, having successfully fomented civil war as well as fended off rival Spanish explorers, Corts claimed Tenochtitln for Spain and renamed it Mexico City. Spurred by Christopher Columbuss glowing reports of the riches to be found in the New World, throngs of Spanish conquistadors set off to find and conquer new lands. The Spanish and Portuguese developed a particular type of ship to trade in the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic. In the 15th century the Portuguese started exploring new lands. Without her, Corts would not have been able to communicate, and without the language bridge, he surely would have been less successful in destabilizing the Aztec Empire. All those he petitionedincluding Ferdinand and Isabella at firstrebuffed him; their nautical experts all concurred that Columbuss estimates of the width of the Atlantic Ocean were far too low. 1524. Missionaries such as Toribio Motolinia and Bartolome de Las Casas brought Catholicism and advocated for the natives, though they fought an uphill battle. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. He might have gotten all the way to India if his crew hadn't mutinied. Sugar fueled the Atlantic slave trade, and the Portuguese islands quickly became home to sugar plantations. Settlements sprang up at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1565, and in New Mexico in 1609. Portuguese Exploration and Spanish Conquest, Religious Upheavals in the Developing Atlantic World, New Worlds in the Americas: Labor, Commerce, and the Columbian Exchange, Colonial Rivalries: Dutch and French Colonial Ambitions, The Glorious Revolution and the English Empire, An Empire of Slavery and the Consumer Revolution, Confronting the National Debt: The Aftermath of the French and Indian War, The Stamp Act and the Sons and Daughters of Liberty, The Destruction of the Tea and the Coercive Acts, Disaffection: The First Continental Congress and American Identity, Britains Law-and-Order Strategy and Its Consequences, Common Sense: From Monarchy to an American Republic, The Constitutional Convention and Federal Constitution, Competing Visions: Federalists and Democratic-Republicans, On the Move: The Transportation Revolution, A New Political Style: From John Quincy Adams to Andrew Jackson, The Nullification Crisis and the Bank War, Free Soil or Slave? The Spanish brought Western ideals to the Americas, including economic and religious systems. From these strategic points, Portugal spread its empire down the western coast of Africa to the Congo, along the western coast of India, and eventually to Brazil on the eastern coast of South America. The Hapsburg dynasty, which ruled a collection of territories including Austria, the Netherlands, Naples, Sicily, and Spain, encouraged and financed the work of painters, sculptors, musicians, architects, and writers, resulting in a blooming of Spanish Renaissance culture. The time was ripe to explore, discover, and expand. The magnetic compass was a compass that had a magnetized needle supporting a magnetic card. Amy has MA degrees in History, English, and Theology. Although Portugal opened the door to exploration of the Atlantic World, Spanish explorers quickly made inroads into the Americas. Spain wanted to explore the New World first to find a trade route to India as the Portuguese had. Inland there are numerous mines of metals and innumerable people. What were three outcomes of Spanish Exploration? Bartholomew Dias found the Cape of Good Hope, while his successor Vasco de Gama made it to India, where he realized Portuguese dreams of having a direct spice trade link and allowed the Portuguese to dominate the trade. explored isthmus of panama. The Library of Congress. Pizarro began his work by capturing the Incan king and holding him for ransom, the astronomical amount of which flooded the Spanish coiffures and made empire-building more lucrative than it had ever been. 1015 Words. This compass showed from four to eight directions. Want to create or adapt books like this? poway high school bell schedule 2021. The Portuguese continued to focus on building trade networks and establishing a trading post empire without heavy colonization in direct contrast to the Spanish. Source for information on Spanish Exploration and Colonization: Science and Its Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery . The Spaniards moved north, too. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 In the 1480s, Pope Sixtus IV had granted Portugal the right to all land south of the Cape Verde islands, leading the Portuguese king to claim that the lands discovered by Columbus belonged to Portugal, not Spain. Spains most famous explorer, Christopher Columbus, was actually from Genoa, Italy. Vasco de Gamas exploits successfully established a spice trade between Europe and India. While the Portuguese built a maritime trading empire in Africa and Asia, the Spanish built a territorial empire in the Americas . The Spanish explorers hoped to find cities of gold, so they made their discoveries sound as wonderful as possible in these letters to convince the Spanish crown to fund more voyages. The Portuguese had the best and most up-to-date navigational tools as well. Vasco Nez de Balboa marched through Panama to the Pacific ocean; Hernando Corts conquered Mexico; Francisco Pizarro subdued Peru; and Francisco Vsquez de Coronado moved north. In the 1500s, Spain surpassed Portugal as the dominant European power. Since the 700s, much of Spain had been under Islamic rule, and King Ferdinand II and Queen Isabella I, arch-defenders of the Catholic Church against Islam, were determined to defeat the Muslims in Granada, the last Islamic stronghold in Spain. Cortes, for example, had friendly relationships with a number of natives, using them to assist in his conquest of the Aztecs, while other conquistadors focused only on subjugation and cruelty. As Spains empire expanded and riches flowed in from the Americas, the Spanish experienced a golden age of art and literature. Hoping to gain power over the city, Corts took Moctezuma, the Aztec ruler, hostage. De Gama's successful venture created a greater demand than ever before for overseas trades along the African coast. In short, the actions of the Portuguese and Spanish established a permanent European presence in the New World and set the stage for future conflict and historical movements. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Between 1540 and 1542, Coronado led a large expedition of Spaniards and native allies to the lands north of Mexico City, and for the next several years, they explored the area that is now the southwestern United States ([link]). The confinement of my story to Spanish, rather than Iberian, America means the almost total exclusion of the Portuguese settlement of Brazil, except for glancing references to the sixty-year period, from 1580 to 1640, when it formed part of Spain's global monarchy. Gallery. At the height of the middle ages, the Mongol Empire had kept open borders throughout Asia and into Europe along the Silk Road, allowing spices and other luxury goods to flow freely from the Far East. Columbus set sail with three small ships and a crew of eighty . Another Italian, Amerigo Vespucci, sailing for the Portuguese crown, explored the South American coastline between 1499 and 1502. Their son, Martn, may have been the first mestizo (person of mixed indigenous American and European descent). This 1502 map, known as the Cantino World Map, depicts the cartographers interpretation of the world in light of recent discoveries. Eli Whitney Inventions & Facts | What Did Eli Whitney Invent? Spanish and Portuguese explorations expanded the understanding of the world and the diversity of its people for future centuries. Finally, Vasco de Gama arrived in India and came back with a nice, profitable load of spices in 1499. The Portuguese explored the Canary Islands off the African coast as early as 1341, finding them perfect for the establishment of sugar colonies with labor supplied by African slaves. Hernando Corts was part of the generation of Spanish colonizers that began the first phase of the Spanish colonization of the Americas.
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