Art. seq). Cure period for insufficient signatures: There is a 15-day cure period after a statement of insufficiency is issued by the secretary of state, and proponents may deliver additional signatures during this time (CRS 1-40-117). O.R.S. Code 9050). 7-9-404). Const. Repeal or change restrictions: None (Const. Secret ballot. But you explicitly may pay based on hourly wage or salary, express or implied minimum signature requirements for the circulator to meet, terminate someone's employment if they do not meet "certain productivity requirements," and pay discretionary bonuses based on reliability, longevity, and productivity (SDCL 12-13-28). Art. Petitions must be filed not more than 60 days after the final adjournment of the legislative session which passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded. 14, 3 and see Coalition for Political Honesty v. State Board of Elections (1976). Const. 5, 1), Repeal or change restrictions: No veto by governor, and two-thirds vote by legislature may amend or repeal (Ark. 34-1812a, 34-1812b, I.C. Art. Art. 116.332). The popular referendum is a measure that appears on the ballot as a result of a voter petition drive and is similar to the initiative in that both are triggered by petitions, but there are important differences. Art. 3519.21; 3519.01; 3519.03), What is on each petition: Full copy of the title and text of the law, room for signatures and information of signers, a signed circulator statement, circulators name and address, name of employer of circulator, summary, attorney generals certification, a notice, and names of at least three of the committee members sponsoring the initiative (OH Const. If raising more than $5,000 in a year, the entity must register as a ballot question committee. Initiative is when citizens get signatures and make the decision . The committees select a chair and may prepare arguments and rebuttals, which will be reviewed by the secretary of state for the ballot. Initiative, referendum, and recall are three means by which the people may bring their will to bear directly on the legislative process and the machinery of government. Paid per signature: Yes, "No law shall be passed to prohibit any person or persons from giving or receiving compensation for circulating petitions." Titles 16 and 19), prior to beginning any . 2, 8. Application process information: Petitioners file a statement containing the object of the petition and the text of the measure with the secretary of state, together with a sworn statement containing the names and street addresses of every person, corporation or association sponsoring the petition (NRS 32-1405). Art. Art. 5 1). Art. Const. 5, 1). Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (Elec. III, 4). Const. required vocational training programs for children. Rev. Code Ann. More than two elections on the same general matter cannot be held within 12 months. Where to file with: Lieutenant governor (U.C.A. Timeline for collecting signatures: Six months to turn in signatures once petitions have been titled and certified for circulation (C.R.S.A. Cannot require an expenditure of money unless a sufficient tax is provided. Timeline for taking effect: Upon proclamation by the governor which shall be made within ten days after the official canvass of such votes (Const. Number of signatures required: 10% of the total vote for governor cast in the last election (Const. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Not specified. Next general election at least 31 days after the measure qualifies or at a special statewide election held prior to that general election; the governor may call a special statewide election for the measure. Which election: Next general election (Const. Code 100). Verification: Not specified (Wyo. 273; Miss. Allowed to pay another for their signature: May not use "any fraudulent means, method, trick, device or artifice to obtain signatures on a petition" (A.R.S. Art. A statement of organization is required. Art. A person also qualifies as a ballot measure committee if 2% or more of its annual revenues, operating expenses or funds are used to make contributions to another ballot measure committee which exceed $10,000 in value (ACA 9-7-402). 19-121), Which election is a measure on: Next general election after filing (A.R.S. Signatures in each of one-half of the 27 congressional districts of the state. Art. 116.100. Const. Where to file: Secretary of state (NMSA 1-17-8). II, 9 and MCL 168.471). 116.080). 5, 1). Geographic distribution: None (MCL 168.471 requirement that no more than 15% come from a single congressional district was found unconstitutional in AG opinion 7310, May 2019). Verification: For each signature, county clerk verifies if the person is a registered voter (Utah Code 20A-7-306(3) and -306.3). Art. Final deadline (this is for counties to transmit verified petitions to the secretary of state) is not less than 120 days before the next general election (Const. Circulator oaths or affidavits: Yes (V.A.M.S. Code reviser issues certificate of review (RCWA 29A.72.020; 29A.32.040; 29A.32.060). 32-1407), Submission deadline of signatures: Four months prior to the general election (Neb. II, 1g; O.R.C. If politicians are ignoring citizens' concerns, they can pass the law themselves 2. Rule 2.36; Okl.St.Ann. Circulator requirements: Paid circulators must register with the secretary of state and complete training. Art. Code 104). Constitution 48, Init., Pt. IV, 1). 32-1401; 32-1405; 32-628; 32-1403). This wording must be used: Shall a law (here insert description, and state, in distinctive type, whether approved or disapproved by the general court and by what vote thereon) be approved?, No statute found; see Michigan Manual 2009-2010, p. IX-2. V, 1(6)). 7-9-105), Withdrawal process of individual signature: No statute. Art. 1-40-106, 1-40-124.5). III, 5(1)). 9 23), Application process information: File application with secretary of state, including organization name and officers and other information, summary and text of proposed law, and must also file a statement of its organization (A.R.S. Art. Recall, the device by which voters may remove public officials from office, also originates with the people. Art. 1953 20A-7-201; 20A-7-208). Repeal or change restrictions: No veto by governor. VI, Subpt. Allowed to pay another for their signature: Prohibited (Miss. 168.471; 168.472). Art. For statute initiatives, no later than three months prior to the election the measure is to be voted upon, and must submit to the county officials no sooner than nine months and no later than four weeks prior to the final deadline. Monthly reports are due on the 10th for any preceding month in which total contributions received or total expenditures made exceed $200 (RCW 42.17A.235). Secretary of state shall print pamphlet of statements in support and against the measures along with the attorney general's title, explanation, and clear statement of a yes or no vote, and if possible, a fiscal statement (SDCL 12-13-23 and 25.1). Art. Const. Timeline for collecting signatures: Twelve months. 34-1802). 130.046). Application process information: State Board of Elections is empowered to adopt regulations specifying procedures for filing and circulating petitions (Elec. Normal constitutional amendment requirements are needed to overturn an amendment (M.G.L.A. Art. ucla environmental science graduate program; four elements to the doctrinal space superiority construct; woburn police scanner live. 3, 18). Art. 187; Okl.St.Ann. Art. Must include the names, addresses and signatures of at least 25 electors as sponsors and the full text of the measure (Const. II, 1g; O.R.C. Geographic distribution: 6% of the qualified electors at the time of the last general election in at least 18 legislative districts (IC 34-1805). Does the law in question take effect before the referendum vote: Does not go into effect unless approved by voters (Const. Then California is one of two dozen states that gives voters these checks on elected officials. 5, 2; Constitution 48, Init., Pt. In most states, this must be done on or before the date the petition is submitted for verification and is done by filing a form with election officials. Arguments for and against are prepared by committees with members appointed first by the secretary of state, the senate's presiding office, and the house's presiding officer. Who creates petitions: Lieutenant governor (U.C.A. III, 5). Denial of certification shall be subject to judicial review (Const. 1-40-105). Who can sign the petition: Registered voters of the state (ACA 7-9-103). Time period restrictions before placed on the ballot: At least 30 days must pass between the filing of the petition and the election (Const. Art. $100; refunded if application is properly filed, Const. IV, 1). Timeline for taking effect: For indirect initiatives, 60 days after the adjournment of the legislative session that passed it. 1-40-108). Petition title and summary creation: Secretary of state (Wyo. 3, 4; Art. It must be accompanied by a notarized form including the names and addresses of the petition sponsors and the statement of organization provided at 12-27-6 (SDCL 2-1-3.1). 901 and 1 M.R.S.A. Timeline for taking effect: Within at least 30 days (I.C. Const. 3519.04). Art. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but may not be limited to reporting requirements, special provisions for out-of-state contributors, a statement regarding intent to pay circulators, and political committees must register (NDCC, 16.1-08.1-02.4; 16.1-08.1-03.1; 16.1-08.1-03.2). Art. Types allowed: Indirect initiative for statutes, direct initiative for constitutional amendments and popular referendum. IV, pt. Legislature or other government official review: Attorney general aids summary (21-A M.R.S.A. 7-9-107). Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but may not be limited to a ballot question committee filing campaign statements, filing the 16th day before the election to the 11th day before the election, a postelection campaign statement, fines if failure to file properly, advertising guidelines (M.C.L.A. Petition title and summary creation: Attorney general (I.C. Number of signatures required: For constitutional amendments, 10 % of the votes cast for governor in the last election. 5, 1; A.C.A. 116.100). 15, 273; Miss. Who can sign the petition: Legal voters, 18 years old, resident (U.C.A. Timeline for collecting signatures: Signatures may be collected as soon as petition is approved and must be submitted to counties four weeks prior to the deadline (MCA 13-27-301). Art. Const. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Must file a statement of organization as a political committee within two weeks of organizing or within two weeks of the date the first contribution or expenditure is expected (RCW 42.17A.205). Verification: Random sampling (SDCL 2-1-16). Every state includes requirements for the circulators operating in the state. 5, 1). Collected in-person: In the circulator's presence (V.A.M.S. Code 23-17-3), Which election is a measure on: Statewide general election (MS Const. Some of the states also require signatures to be gathered from across the state, although some of these requirements have been found to be unconstitutional. IV, 1(10). 4, 5). Question 3. In odd-numbered years, year-end reports are required (SDCL 12-27-22). Verification: The secretary of state may verify the signatures on the petition by use of random sampling (Mo.Rev.Stat. Art. Signatures must be submitted no later than 18 months after the petition form was furnished by the secretary of state, and each signature is only valid for one year. Const. The sponsor may file a written notice to withdraw the initiative with the secretary of state. Application process information: Petition as to be circulated is filed with secretary of state prior to circulation and must include the title of the referred law, the effective date, the date of the election at which it will be submitted. Art. The use of the device gained momentum with the emergence of groups concerned with specific issues such as civil rights, abortion, capital punishment, nuclear power, tax policies, handgun control, and the environment. Withdrawal process of individual signature: Any signer may remove their signature at any time before the petition is filed by striking it out on the petition (ORC 3501.38(H)). 295.015). Secretary of state must establish by rule and collect filing fees (RCW 43.07.120). Geographic entities based on U.S. House districts, which are required to be highly equal in population, have been ruled to be constitutional (for example, see Nevada). 8). 11 5). Petition title and summary creation: The secretary of state (W.S.1977 22-24-310). Who can sign the petition: Electors of the state (Const. 106.03). Art. Must also be submitted to the appropriate officials of cities, towns or plantations, or state election officials as authorized by law, 10 days before it's due with the secretary of state. 168.471; 168.472). Code 9006). 250.015; 250.052; 250.045, South Dakota: SDCL 2-1-1.1; 2-1-1.2; South Dakota Administrative Rules 5:02:08:07, Wyoming: W.S.1977 22-24-304; 22-24-310; 22-24-311, Maine (M.R.S.A. 3, 50; V.A.M.S. 1-40-111), Withdrawal process of individual signature: Written request prior to submission of signed petitions (C.R.S.A. Where to file with: Secretary of state (RCWA Const. The details for those states are below: Five states limit the legislatures ability to amend or repeal a law after it has been approved by voters. Art. Art. LXXIV, 2 and M.G.L.A. Art. To share with more than one person, separate addresses with a comma. III, 3). 1. guarantee government jobs for the unemployed. Verification: Random sampling of at least 5 % of signatures implemented by secretary of state. Withdrawal of petition: The sponsor may file a written notice to withdraw the initiative with the secretary of state (V.A.M.S. Art. Vote requirement for passage: Over 50% of those voting in the general election (Const. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Statement of organization must be filed not later than 15 days after the committee made or received contributions or paid expenses in excess of $500; if such activity occurs within 30 days of an election, statement must be filed within 48 hours (SDCL 12-27-3). Subject restrictions: Cannot be used on laws necessary for the immediate preservation of the public peace, health or safety, and appropriations for the support and maintenance of the departments of state and state institutions (Const. XVI, 2). Vote requirement for passage: Majority (Const. Code 13-208 for statement of organization. 106.191). Petitions must be submitted not more than 90 days after the final adjournment of the session of the general assembly that passed the bill on which the referendum is demanded. The measure can be amended by a three-fourths vote in a joint session. provided safe working conditions for child laborers. Art. Legislature or other government official review: No additional review. 6; Oklahomans for Modern Alcoholic Beverage Controls, Inc. v. Shelton, Okla., 501 P.2d 1089, 1972). Ten% of votes cast in last general election. a vote on a measure so submitted. Petition title and summary creation: Attorney general certifies submitted title and measure and summary by secretary of state, with attorney general oversight (M.G.L.A. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: Include but are not limited to quarterly reporting and following rules set by board of elections (10 ILCS 5/9-15). 2, 10; N.R.S. Where to file with: Attorney general and secretary of the commonwealth once approved (M.G.L.A. Mississippi: Attorney general may confer with proponents and may recommend revisions. Proponent financial disclosure requirements: There is a principal circulator whose information is publicly available upon request (NRS 32-1406). Referendum, however, is a measure submitted by the government to the people for their approval. II, 9). M.G.L.A. 8), South Dakota (SDCL 12-13-25.1; 12-13-26; 2-1-1-1; 2-1-1-2), South Dakota (SDCL 12-13-25.1; 12-13-26), Alaska: AS 15.13.040; 15.13.050; 15.13.065; 15.13.110, Arkansas: A.C.A. Public review or notice: In consultation with the attorney general, the secretary state writes an analysis of the effect of the measures, which will be published in the columns for two weeks prior to the election (NDCC, 16.1-01-07). For indirect initiatives submitted to the legislature, 4% of the number of active voters in the state on Jan. 1 immediately following the last regular general election. Number of signatures required: 4% of the votes cast for the office of governor at the last election (Const. c. representative democracy. Laws authorizing any classification of property for the purpose of levying different rates of taxation thereon or of authorizing the levy of any single tax on land or land values or land sites at a higher rate or by a different rule than is or may be applied to improvements thereon or to personal property. Const. Code Ann. Art. 1-40-104, 1-40-105, 1-40-111, 1-40-135). Art. Signatures must be submitted no later than 18 months after the petition form was furnished by the secretary of state, and each signature is only valid for one year. 6. a. to make a difference b. to lead by example c. to give hope d. pleasant They are not synonyms of the other words in each group. Reports are due 30 days before the election, one week before the election, 105 days after a special election and on February 15 for all contributions and expenditures not already reported. Amend. There are two kinds of referenda: obligatory and optional. Ballot title and summary: Submitted to Board of Election Commissioners and then certified to the secretary of state (Ark. 19, 3; N.R.S. Grounds for denial are improper form, insufficient sponsors, or more than 90 days have passed since adjournment of the session (AS 14.45.310).
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